Building your capsule collection...
A capsule wardrobe is defined as a small collection of garments that can be work together, are interchangeable and work tonally. Sounds pretty flipping perfect and is the aim of most of us.
The concept of that capsule collection, those staples that see you through everything is one I love and it made me want to do a blog about my capsule organisational collection… those top 5 key pieces that keep me organised and on track and that I can’t live without.
If you’re highly organised yourself you might have your own favourites but if you struggle to stay on top of things this might help you get some key pieces in place that change all that!
1. My top item and number one on my list is my notebook. I carry it everywhere, if I take a call in the car I pull over and make notes, I write notes on everything and I reference every page, every set of notes with a title (e.g. the client) and the date so I can find things easily. It’s invaluable and having everything written down for reference stops you (hopefully, mostly!) forgetting things.
2. Number two is my all time favourite, ultimately sad icon of the organised- my clipboard. I use this for print outs I need for reference (such as invoices I need to pay), loose papers and most importantly, my list. My list is my ultimate organisational piece and it’s always there for me to reference as a working document added to and amended as the week goes on.
3. The third item I find useful is a pencil case, there is nothing worse than not being able to find a pen when you need one. Don’t get me wrong, I lose pens all the time but that mostly because my children steal them 🙄. Having a case means that despite that I can siesta find a working pen (and incidentally paperclip, elastic band and plaster).
4. The number four item is my colour changing pen- it’s one of those genius 4 colour pens that I used to covet at school, the different colours mean I can mark up notes and lists, make things stand out or highlight actions which o find really useful.
5. My fifth item is another throwback and it’s my Filofax. I know everything is digital these days and people often think I’m crazy but I’m a visual person and recognising that helps me stay on top of my game- I not only write timed appointments but tasks that have deadlines, I love it and I carry it everywhere.
So that’s my top 5 items that I can’t live without and my hallmarks of organisation. That’s the core of my ‘organisational wardrobe’ and my capsule collection. I’d love to know if you have something totally different that keeps you on track!