Happy Business Birthday...

I came home from a client the other day to be presented with a lovely card from my children that said ‘Happy Business Birthday’ – to be honest I had forgotten although LinkedIn also reminded me that it had been three years, a day later- so it was a lovely surprise. It was, however, a day when I felt like my head was full of bumble bees because my list was longer than I could handle, I hadn’t finished off what I’d wanted to that day and generally felt pretty overwhelmed.

I cracked on that night, worked late and got myself to a better place, but…

It made me reflect on everything I have learned over the last 3 years, how much I enjoy helping my clients find more time by outsourcing the things they either don’t enjoy doing or don’t have time to do themselves. As a real people pleaser that’s what floats my boat! It also made me think that occasionally I don’t follow my own advice and I let things get out of hand. It’s not every day or every week but every now and then and for someone who does what I do, that’s not a great way to be!

That’s why I thought I’d give you a quick rundown on my favourite tips for organisation and keeping on top of things (and perhaps help me follow my own advice!!).

Top Tips Infographic.png


You don't seem the type...


Little Miss Organised makes a mistake...