Version 3.0… and I’m finally learning!

I am absolutely never going to be the sort of person that will write a blog about the joys and happiness of lockdowns and home schooling. The simple fact is that I have found the last 10 months or so really hard – I love my kids but trying to teach them anything whilst still working full time with a million questions, clients needing me and everything going on, on a daily basis has been really, really hard. However, that said I have learnt some things about myself.  


Pre lockdown I was a morning person, I’d be up early and working away from 6 being hyper-productive. Since we’ve been in lockdown the mornings have been filled with tech set up, getting home schooling started and tidying up... it’s been causing my stress that I’ve not knocked a load of my list by 10am like I used to. In fact there are some mornings when I can’t even get to my own laptop until gone 10am.


It means that my day has pretty much flipped on it’s head and my body clock has altered completely. I now start work properly in the afternoon when I know that everyone else is settled and sorted and coming to the end of their day. I then work through until quite late in the evening getting things done – it’s not great for phone calls but it gets the majority done and keeps me on top of everything.


The fact is life has change significantly and I can’t berate myself for that, for not being the same person I was before. I have to adapt to the fact that I now work in the afternoons and evenings when the children need me less. Adaptation and change are the only ways to cope in the current situation and that was never something that I considered myself that good at.


I used to get quite anxious if things went off plan or if I didn’t stick to my nice, neat list. It shows how far I’ve come and how much the world has changed that I am now able to do so with relatively little impact and not be too bothered! So, it may have taken me 3 attempts but I’m adapting and overcoming the obstacles to make my own life easier. That’s a win as far as I’m concerned.



Going home... finding where things live


It's Good to Talk...