Choking on your Frogs...
I am a massive believer in just getting things done, especially when it comes to a work list because having large, challenging, onerous or simply unpleasant tasks on your list can create anxiety. I’ve also talked before about how you really should tackle these pesky ‘frogs’ first, partly to get them out of the way and partly to get a sense of achievement to keep you going.
Occasionally though I have issues - partly because I suffer from depression, and partly because I’m just human like anyone else - sometimes I just cannot face doing the difficult things and they sit on my list for too long, morphing until they seen huge and insurmountable.
I had a couple of these recently, they were there for weeks and honestly it got to the point where I couldn’t face them at all but just seeing them there on the list was making me uncomfortable... bit of a vicious cycle there!
A bit like getting up at 6am to go for a run, sometimes you have to really force yourself to do something. I did that, I choked down those frogs and they took a lot less time than I thought and were actually quite easy 🙄.
Moral of story? Sometimes the idea of things is far more frightening than the reality so you’ve just gotta pull you finger out and get them done!