Put a pin in it...

If you use social media a lot for your business you’ll be familiar with Facebook and Instagram and Twitter for building your business, they’re great platforms and allow you to build an audience to whom you can speak directly.

However, there’s more to these aspects of digital marketing than having a direct conversation with your audience. Being on platforms like these with wide reach means that you automatically increase your visibility online.

Pinterest is another interesting one. At first glance it’s just a way to share images of your product, pretty and nice to have but how useful is it? But the reality of Pinterest is quite different, not only is it an organic growth platform that allows your images/product to gain incredible reach but it’s also invaluable for SEO purposes and can really increase your websites traffic if done consistently.

Of course, as with everything else, that is the key- Consistency. Regular posting, good imagery and sensible, keyword rich descriptions can really help drive warm traffic to your site.

An SEO strategy in line with a digital marketing one should consider all of these angles and pull together many different strands in order to be effective. I think Pinterest, although labour intensive, might be my new favourite thing!


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