Consistency is Key...

Actually, consistency is SEW:


Same Day

Every Week

Without Fail


I guess you could say it’s SEW important 🤣


I first learned about the benefits of consistency when I was studying social media management but actually it’s something that is relevant to every area of business - it’s good for ensuring that you achieve and for creating really good habits.


These are the ways I use consistency in my business and hopefully they’ll inspire you about the ways you can get SEWing (bet you wish I never came up with that acronym!)


ADMIN- some tasks need doing regularly, partly because if you don’t they build up and become overwhelming (think finance spreadsheets) by putting aside fixed time each week or month you can ensure the boring stuff gets done and doesn’t build up.


AVOIDANCE- there are tasks I avoid doing because they seem scary or overwhelming, I use the first hour of each day for these things because it gets them out the way and motivates me for everything else.


ADVERTISING - there are a couple of reasons why being consistent with your advertising is important. Firstly because it’s better for the algorithms and internet robots and secondly because it trains your audience with what to expect from you.


ACHIEVING - creating habits and routines is great for getting through your to do list and keeping yourself organised and on track, just make sure there’s flexibility built in.


There are so many ways where being consistent can help your business - I’d have listed more but I ran out of words beginning with A.


Why on earth did you do that?...


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