Why on earth did you do that?...

I recently did a workshop – as part of my commitment to trying to do more for me, my development and my business and less – it involved a section on Mindset that said that one of the most important parts of establishing a positive mindset that led you to thrive was in working out your why. Why do you do what you do, why do you get out of bed every morning, why do you want to run your business. The coach was clear that this wasn’t a surface answer, just saying ‘to earn money’ wasn’t the real why – you had to dig deeper, keep asking yourself why until you unpeel the layers of that onion and get to the core driver at the heart of all your actions.

When I say all, I mean the big ones, I don’t mind drunk dialling someone at 3am – that’s not driven by your why at all, that’s driven by Malibu.

I guess that everyone’s why is pretty personal so unless you’re in a safe space or surrounded by people you trust then maybe you won’t feel comfortable sharing. I also imagine that it’s not always a quick answer, if you don’t already know your why then having to unravel that onion bit by bit is going to take some quiet time.

However, knowing that why can help you:

·       Make decisions – which path of action serves your ultimate goal

·       Remove unnecessary stress – by knowing what doesn’t support you, you can remove the triggers to stress and unhappiness

·       Focus your future – knowing why you do what you do can help you plan the next steps

·       Be happier – if you’re always thinking about money, it’s miserable but thinking about yout children because it’s them you’re earning for is much more fulfilling

I am not a mindset expert, I’m not even a mindset novice but someone who is (expert not novice) said something that made me think and I wanted to share that with you.

If you’re curious, my ‘Why’ is that I love making people’s lives easier. I want to make people happy.

People pleaser extraordinaire, I’m working on boundaries before anyone pipes up but at the heart of it that is why I do what I do.

Why do you do what you do?


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