Moon on a stick please...
If your run a business the chances are that you’re targeted on line with those ads from experts, gurus and wunder kids who Use headlines like “from 0 to 5k overnight”; “how to grow an 1m insta following in 2 days” and “7 secrets for becoming a number one seller.”
There are people out there who have done brilliantly for themselves but their secret isn’t a formula or seven steps or a series of keywords. It’s hard work and dedication, it’s mistakes and changes and u-turns and small wins.
It is my biggest niggle seeing people buying into this quick wins mentality (don’t get me started in people who want miracle weight loss solutions). However what I dislike more than that is people who promise then deliver what looks like result (thereby living up to their own hype) which in reality is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Situations like this makes customers feel like they’ve got value because they’re understand that actually the results aren’t worth the money they’ve paid. Then any failure is put down to this own mistakes and not where the problem actually lies.
Let me give you an example. I saw an advert for a treatment I’d always wanted to try at a heavily discounted price, but if a drive but bit too far. Utterly worth it. I took the offer, went to the appointment and it was great. Whilst there I talked to the owner and asked about the ad. She’d been sold social lead generation package- she had no real control over the content and an aggressive discount was needed for success... it generated a lot of leads, objective met.
However. A solid business model is to create loyal and returning customer base. The type of customer who is willing to pay full price because they know what your expertise is worth.
Now there is a school of thought which says that a lead is a lead and you should be able to convert anyone coming through your door to a long term customer. However, heavy discounts and scatter ads tend to lead to a very specific type of customer- Let’s call them the ‘groupon client’ and you just can’t convert them add they’re only after value and there the first to complain about everything.
Yes I bought the offer, but I’ve been looking for a location to experience this and this was low cost way to find a salon I could stay with for the long run. A percentage of customers brought in by the ad could have been the same. But not all. That is statistically impossible.
So you’ve just paid a lot of money, to lose money on doing treatments, with an opportunity cost on what else you could have been doing that time with very little long term return.
But what can do, your guru delivered. Justin very hard before you but intrigue quick wins that the wins you are making are ones actually want.
Aim for the moon on a stick, not the reflection of it in a pond.