Give a little, give a lotto...

I was going to start with some deep and meaningful quote about helping people, giving back, sharing is caring but I didn’t because a) I couldn’t be bothered to trawl google to find the perfect one and b) you’d ordinarily all think there was simmering wrong with me if started coming out with some over the top Hallmark rubbish.

Therefore I’m going to start (I say start, but this is my second paragraph) with my own type of motivational words:

Don’t be a tool, if you’re able to help someone, do so. You’re not Sampson cutting your hair off, you lose nothing by sharing.

This came about because a client asked me to talk to a friend’s daughter because she was interested in a career in marketing. No problem, we had a good chat, I shared some (sanitised) case studies and experiences and talked about clients. Yes it took couple of hours of time that I don’t really have free but someone wanted advice and I have the experience to give it, so why not?

If someone asks your for help and you can do it enough then just do it, we’ve all been in a place where we need support or help. Think of it like being stuck behind a learner driver when you’re in a hurry; okay so it’s not ideal but everyone has to start somewhere.

Just don’t be a tool. Sharing is caring and all that jazz.


It’s not me, it’s definitely you...


Moon on a stick please...