Embrace your Character... Lesson 3 of 10 for 10 Years

So, if I was asked to write a CV 10 years ago when I first started, I would have waxed lyrical about all my skills, my experience, my qualifications. I probably would have included words like hard working, forward thinking, proactive. In fact, I’d still have said the same sort of thing 5 or 6 years ago.

And, don’t get me wrong, all of those things are important- they make me technically good at my running my business and at helping my clients but they were only scratching the surface of my ‘superpowers’ although I didn’t know it then.

I’ve said before that building success relies on you being you, the trouble is that a lot of people are trying to be something they think others want to see- not being their authentic selves.

So, my advice is- and it’s something I’ve learnt to do- is to notice the cues around you. Whether that’s from compliments you receive or from taking time to work on yourself, start to recognise patterns and pointers that can highlight some of those hidden superpowers that you need to embrace and let out into the light.

I was recently at a CEO Day, taking time out to work on my business instead of in it; surrounded by some really inspirational women and we were asked to take a character traits test- a series of questions designed to highlight your character traits in a sort of ranking order- from your most dominant ones down to your lesser ones.

I was fascinated by the results because they highlighted traits I wouldn’t have even thought about 2 or 3 years ago but ones that have come up over and over again in recent years as I open myself up more to a community of fellow entrepreneurs; to development opportunities and to feedback. My top 3 were:

·         Love (Humanity)

·         Perspective (Wisdom)

·         Zest (Courage)

Love has come up so many times for me recently although in different guises, over the last year or so I have been told – and complimented for – being nurturing. At first I thought that it was some kind of code for being annoying and trying to mother everyone in sight but actually they were genuine compliments – about the fact that I love and care for those around me and that that care is something that people recognise and value about me. It’s also quite likely the reason why I went into an industry where I could care for people in a very practical way.

Perspective and wisdom is one I keep being told I have and my imposter is fighting the urge to laugh when people do say it. I have been doing this ten years, I have an academic background in business theory and 13 years corporate experience working for major household brands. I have worked with businesses large, small and everything in between and I have been there, seen it and done it more than once! I do know what I’m talking about and I do know what I’m doing so as much as the inner me is cringing right now, I guess I am kinda wise!

Zest is something I’ve started to see myself- in my Human Design results, from meeting strangers and from the effect my energy has on others – zest is a funny one because it’s a bit of a double edged sword. On one hand I am an attractor (a magnet) with a bright energy that people are drawn to but it also leaves me open to attracting people that want to feed off of that energy without giving back – I have to be wary of those people because I’ve been burnt in the past. That said, it’s one of my favourite qualities and one I have really learnt to lean into a part of my core brand and values: authenticity, fun and passion are all a major part of my business.

So, in conclusion I am a wise lemon that wants to look after you. I’m fine with that and it seems to be working for me.

What are your superpowers?



Carpe the Opportunity…


I know your USP (even if you don’t)… Lesson 2 of 10 for 10 Years